When most people talk about Internet Marketing, you will assume that you need to have your own site, blog or at least your own product to sell. So, does it means that you can't earn any money without any of these? The answer is "
Of course, it is a huge advantage if you have any of the above or all the above. However, please do take note that any of this doesn't guarantee your success in your Internet Marketing venture. For newbies whom do not have any of the above, fret not, there is still potential for you to earn residual income just by participating in the relevant online activities.
I am going to share a few methods that you can get involved and start to earn money online NOW. Broadly, I've classified them into 2 categories:
1. Offer Your Services Online:
Everyone of us are unique and have something to offer. As you are reading this blog, I am sure you have something to offer online that others are willing to pay for your services. Typical services that you can offer are article writing, programming (especially web design, mobile apps development etc), online research, logo or banner design etc...
Ok, assuming you have something to offer, what's the next step? Very simple, there are many free platform whereby you can register freely and submit your services online and viola, your offer is ONLINE within minutes. Just to quote some example, following are some legit platform/sites that enable you to do just that:
Fiverr : A very popular platform that you can put-up any service (or gig) that you can imagine under the sun for 5 bucks. If you browse through the gigs list, you will notice that there are a few gigs which are quite out of this world or just plain "silly yet interesting"!
oDesk : A very established platform for freelancers. You can search through a wide range of job categories, from article writing to translation to web research etc...on offer.
vWorkers : Another self-service platform for employer to place simple online jobs like data entry, article writings etc and for freelancers to search for many categories of jobs available. It works like a bidding system whereby many workers bid for a particular job and the most suitable worker get the job.
2. Offer Your Time Online:
If after much reflection, you really can't find any services that you can offer online but time is on your hand, you can still earn some residual income just by offering your time through micro-jobs platforms. Most micro-jobs can be completed within a few minutes.
Some of the legit sites/platforms are:
Microworkers: A popular site that offer micro-jobs from other members. Example of the job ranging from completing a simple sign-up, liking a facebook fan page, retweet etc. If you like to understand more of this site and how does it work, please click on the following to to download the FREE guide:
FREE eGuide For MicroWorkers
Hits4Pay : This is a site to pay you for reading emails (advertisements from advertisers). You will earn roughly 2 cents for each email read. If you register now, you will get USD10 bonus in your account.
I know you still have at least one more question i.e. as to how do you will get paid from the web? With the advancement of online payment processing vendor like PayPal, AlertPay and MoneyBookers etc... receiving money would never be easier. For more details regarding the fee comparison of these online payment processing vendors, please read my earlier post