Saturday, 2 February 2013

Giphy - The Marvelous GIF Search Engine

giphy, gif search engine
The GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) images are very popular and well liked by most, the reason is simple, an animated/moving image is much more appealing than a static image. Besides, such images is more likely to go viral i.e. increase share-ability.

One challenge we are facing now is the difficulty in searching for relevant GIF images with specific topics/themes. Fret not, here comes the rescue. Giphy, a super clean and simple GIF search engine. Effectively, the way to search is just like any other search engine i.e. just type the keyword(s) of your interest and the result (all GIF images in this case) will be displayed. You will see the static images in the result but when you mouse over it, the animation part will come to life!